Bernie Sanders 2016


Healthcare - Healthcare is a right. We spend more than any other country on Healthcare, yet 29 million Americans don't have Healthcare.

Environment - Global warming is our planet's biggest threat. We need to cut carbon emissions by 80% through carbon pollution taxes,  replacing fossil fuels, and investing towards 100% renewable energy sources.

Education - Public colleges and universities should be tuition free. We need lower student loan interest rates and ensure all children have access to a quality education by fighting to ensure equal access to educational resources.

Energy - We need a 100% clean energy system and create millions of jobs. We have little time to aggressively cut carbon emissions. Transitioning is possible and affordable. It will create jobs, clean up our air and water and decrease dependence on foreign oil.

Guns - I will reduce gun violence. I will strengthen background check system, close the gun-show loophole, ban semi- automatic weapons, and fix our mental health system.

Taxes - The wealthy and large corporations must pay their share. I will stop corporations from shifting jobs overseas to   avoid paying taxes. I will tell the billionaire class: You can’t have it all while kids in this country go hungry.

Why Support?

Bernie Sanders believes in economic equality. We can't let the rich have all the money while people who work 60 hours a week have nothing because of the minimum wage. He also agrees that global warming is a real threat and that switching to renewable energy is the needed thing to do, and it's easy and affordable. He supports stricter background checks for guns and no gun show loopholes. Anyone can get their hand on a gun, and many people are shot because of this. He believes that the upper classes and large corporations don't pay enough. Large corporations also cheat the system by going overseas, and Bernie would prevent this so the US would have the money we need for more equality. Finally, he wants free and better education, as well as Healthcare for all. Education and Healthcare are rights, not privileges.